How to get to Courmayeur

Getting to Courmayeur is very easy whether you are coming from France or Italy by plane, train or car. Located in the Aosta Valley at the foot of Mont Blanc, ski holidays in Courmayeur are great fun in this authentic chic Italian ski resort.

By plane

The nearest airport is Geneva with airport transfers to Courmayeur taking around 1 hour 40 minutes for the 100km journey - it is practically motorway all the way via the Mont Blanc tunnel. From Turin, Courmayeur is 150km away whilst transfers from the Milan airports take approximately 2 hours 30 minutes.

By car

If you are driving from Italy, you need to get on the Autostrada for Torino - Aosta - Courmayeur and come off at Morgex and Courmayeur. Once you pass the town of Aosta, you are just 35km from Courmayeur.

Coming from France, you need to head towards Chamonix off the A40 motorway and through the Mont Blanc tunnel. From Chamonix, Courmayeur is literally on the the other side of the mountain 22km away.

Driving from Switzerland, the fastest way in to the Aosta Valley and up to Courmayeur is via the Gran Saint Bernard Tunnel.

By train

From Italy, whether you are starting off in Milan or Turn, the train you need is t he one that goes through Aosta and on to Pré Saint Didier where you get off. There are buses from here that will take you up to the resort. If you are coming from France, there are no rail tunnels through Mont Blanc so you need to exit at Le Fayet at the base of the Chamonix Valley and catch a bus.

Further rail info can be found at:

  • Trenitalia:
  • Savda:

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